Visit of Baramulla District students Kashmir at Ek Pahel 23-Oct-18

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On 23rd October, approx. 20 students from Baramulla District, Kashmir visited Ek Pahel, Agra. Along with these students 52 R.R. Team’s captain Shonak, Teacher Khalid Rashid, Subedaar Khem Chand, Havaldar- Subhash, Naak Rajendra, Naak Ajeem, Rifleman Gurpreet accompanied them. The students of class 9th-12th from Kashmir were on an educational tour for 10 days to the various cities in India and visited Ek Pahel as part of the tour. They participated in the various activities and the science exhibition organized by the students of Ek Pahel. The students applauded Ek Pahel on the facilities provided to them in comparison to the students of NGOs of other cities. All the students had a great time at Ek Pahel and enjoyed all the activities organized by them.

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